Pasta dishes that come from Italy are hard to beat. When people think of this boot-shaped country, they usually think of delicious wine, bread, and pasta. What makes Italian pasta better than pasta from other countries? There are several important points that everyone should keep in mind.
Italian pasta is prepared in different ways
First, Italian pasta is usually tastier because it is cooked differently. Italian pasta must meet strict standards set by the government. Usually, Italian pasta is made from 100 percent durum wheat, which is commonly called semolina flour. Therefore, Italian pasta contains more protein. Semolina flour also withstands the rigorous cooking process much better than other types of flour. Italian pasta has been dried slowly, it retains some of the flavor and texture of semolina flour, which contributes to its unique taste.
Water plays an important role in the cooking process
While flour is important for making pasta, water is also important. Some people think that water is only there to make the pasta softer, but the ingredients in the water also play an important role. For example, there are many countries that add certain chemicals to water to make it safer. Even though this can be useful in some situations, it’s not necessarily great for cooking. For example, most of the water that Italians use for cooking comes straight from the Alps. It doesn’t get much cleaner than that. This water improves the cooking process when making Italian pasta.
Italian pasta dishes are properly balanced
Finally, Italians have a lot of experience in cooking pasta. As a culture, they have considerable experience in balancing their dishes. Typically, Italian sauce is relatively simple, showing respect for the quality of the pasta. For example, Italian pasta sauce can be as simple as adding minced garlic, chili, and olive oil. This allows you to highlight the unique texture and flavor of the pasta.